ESU 50210 EcoS 2.1 DCC System w 7 inch TFT and 15-21 Volt Power Supply
ESU 50210 EcoS 2.1 DCC System w 7 inch TFT and 15-21 Volt Power Supply
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H4 booster with 6.0 A continuous-load output
RailCom® bidirectional feedback detector with integrated cutout device ("global detector")
H4 programming track connection, 0.6 A rated
7 inch TFT colour display with touchscreen, 800x480 (pixels) display resolution
32-Bit ARM 720T controller, 64 MByte flash ROM, 32 MByte RAM, Linux® operation system
16 Bit real-time co-processor
2 motor-driven potentiometer throttles with end stop
two 2-way analog joysticks; two 9-function keys plus stop- and go-key
3 input sockets for ECoSlink systems
Connection for ECoSlink bus expansion
Galvanically isolated booster input for external DCC or Märklin® 6017 boosters
Galvanically isolated ECoSniffer input for connection of old units
Galvanically isolated s88-bus input for feedback devices; 10/100 Mbit ethernet connection (RJ45)
1 ECoSlot module for radio-receiver input
DCC with 14, 28, 128 speed steps, LGB® compatible function key handling
Märklin® Motorola® old, new, with 14 or 27 speed steps (2 modes, depends on availability of decoder)
Selectrix® track format
M4 data protocol with automatic recognition
Up to 9999 addresses for DCC protocol. Up to 20 function keys per loco
Up to 255 addresses for Motorola® protocol (depends on availability of decoder)
Märklin® Motorola® and DCC track protocol for control of electromagnetic accessories
Up to 16384 locos, 2048 turnouts and 1024 route objectives; 32 MU´s (multiple consists) with up tp 16 locos each
Up to 16 shuttle trains (back and forth) at the same time
All DCC service modes programming on programming track, POM (programming on the main)
Programming of Motorola® and Selectrix® on programming track.
Included in delivery:
ECoS central unit
Stylus for touch screen
Power supply output voltage adjustable from 15V to 21V / 5A (90VA)
Terminals for mail track and programming track connection, ECoSniffer
Extensive instruction manual
37.0 cm x 16.0 cm x max. 9.0 cm
The ECoS 50210 is the third generation of the successful ECoS command station. With the latest ECoS command station, ESU continues to offer state-of-the-art digital technology combined advanced functions and user friendliness. The ECoS has a large coloured display with high resolution. In combination with its ground-breaking and easily operated user interface and excellent coloured screen, ECoS has excellent ergonomics. ECoS has 9 function keys per integrated cab. The light and function keys 1 to 8 show the current state of the function via LEDs. ECoS Features With an ECoS command station you acquire an open system. Just like ESU decoders, the ECoS is a real multi-protocol command station. As a multi protocol command station, ECoS supports DCC, Märklin® Motorola®, Selectrix® and the M4 data protocol. M4 controls locomotives equipped with mfx® decoders without any restrictions. M4 is completely compatible. You can even continue to use almost all of your present loco decoders. ECoS is the only digital command station that unifies 4 data protocols. With an ECoS you can run locos via two integrated cabs with large, easy-grasp motor driven throttle knobs and nine precise click-function keys you control your locos. In combination with the touch screen, you can control up to 20 functions per engine. ECoS controls turnouts and magnetic accessories: a large, graphical control panel provides you access for up to 1420 turnouts (DCC or Motorola® protocol). With ECoS you can plan and control routes: simply put turnouts and magnetic accessories graphically in groups and switch them together. Routes will be activated either by feedback contacts or by key. You can even use s88 occupancy detectors or ECoSDetector feedback modules. ECoS supports EcoSlink, a high-speed bus system, based on CAN, that transmits data instantaneously to the command station. ECoS makes programming decoders simple. The large, colored TFT screen offers good contrast and displays a lot of information in unabbreviated text. A programming track establishes contact with your decoders. ECoS has a pre-installed DCC RailCom® function: with its „global detector“ it recognizes RailCom®-compatible decoders (e.g. our LokPilot V4.0 decoder) directly on the main track. You also have the possibility to feedback the turnout position via the SwitchPilot to the ECoS command station. ECoS is expandable. Each ECoS command station has a network port for connection with a computer allowing you to update software or use a computer for operation. Who needs ECoS? ECoS is basically the command station for all. Beginners, who are looking for a simple-to-operate cab, will be at home right away: the large, graphic touch screen display shows all information in plain text; in case of doubt use the integrated help function. ECoS makes it simple to switch to DCC. And ECoS runs DC or AC driven trains (compatible decoder provided). Even model railroaders, who already own a digital command station, can step up to ECoS: next to the extremely simple inputs, and the possibilities for route-and shuttle train programming, you will learn to appreciate the programming features for decoders. You can connect your present equipment to the input of the EcoSniffer, and continue to use it: you don‘t need to discard anything that you want to keep using! Due to its enormous output-performance, the ECoS command station is recommended especially for operators of Gauge 1 or G layouts: at last you can run multiple trains without an external booster. Total interplay with our LokSound XL V4.0 decoders is matter of fact. Features The large, coloured TFT display shows all information in plain words. There is a touch-sensitive screen that you can work either with your finger, or the provided peg. Each ECoS command station integrates a 6Amp DCC booster. Decoder programming takes place via a dedicated programming track. This is independent of the mainline and normal operation on the layout is not affected during programming. The new ECoSlink high speed bus serves as communicator between systems. The bus can be connected to throttles (e.g. Märklin® mobile station® 60651, 60652), ECoSDetector track occupancy feedback module, Navigator stations, ECoSlink Terminals and other system components. ECoSlink is robust (up to 100 metres cable length is no problem) and extremely fast. Each ECoS Command Station incorporates an isolated jack for s88 feedback modules. Track-occupancy information can be used for route- and shuttle train operation. An ECoSniffer jack is provided for connecting existing digital command stations. An isolated jack for connecting additional DCC boosters tops off the list of ECoS features. Functions The ECoS command station can manage up to 16384 locos. Each loco’s characteristics are memorized, so in the future you can call each engine by name. Also you can assign a loco symbol and these symbols keep you abreast of the function of each loco, regardless of whether it’s latching or non-latching. An extensive navigational menu takes care of finding your locos quickly and running them. ECoS supports all DCC addresses (upt to 9999) and 128 speed steps, during Motorola® operation up to 255 addresses and 27 speed steps are possible, depending on the decoder´s features. Locos equipped with an mfx® decoder will be recognized automatically by the ECoS and can be driven without any restrictions. Operate turnouts and magnetic accessories Just like locos, you can name turnouts and magnetic accessories. The large control panel on the screen of your ECoS shows you all turnouts and the switch-position. You can put turnouts in the depot area and to each magnetic accessory you can assign its exact function, so you can tell simple, double, or 3-way turnouts apart from signals and other DCC accessories. Routes Several magnetic accessories can easily be grouped as routes. Routes can then be switched like singular turnouts or they can be tied to an occupancy detector: Thus, extensive block-control management is possible already. ECoS can manage up to 1024 routes with up to 256 magnetic accessories each. Track plan If desired, a fully graphical track plan shows your layout directly on screen. Put all signals and turnouts directly on the track plan. Large layouts can be displayed on the track plan, as the plan may consist of up to 99 pages. The pages can be arranged and renamed individually. The magnetic accessories shown on the track plan correlate with the ones that are placed in the accessory control panel. Shuttle train control Shuttle train control, which was introduced with the first ECoS, enjoys an increasing popularity due to its simple handling: here you only need an occupancy detector at each end of the track, which you assign via Software to a loco: length of layover, acceleration - and deceleration, or in-between stops can easily be programmed on the ECoS screen. This works with any decoder because the brain of the system sits in the central unit. Up to eight shuttle trains are possible. Keep using old systems We make your transfer to ECoS as comfortable as possible: simply keep also using your “old” system. This is made possible through the built-in EcoSniffer: The rail output of your present digital command station is simply connected to the input of the EcoSniffer module. The module listens to all DCC and Motorola® packets and translates them for the ECoS command station. Contents: ECoS 2.1 central unit, 6A, 7" TFT colour display, MM/DCC/SX/M4, set w. power supply 90-240V US, output 15-21V 150W, English manual Manufacturers Website: ESU - Electronic Soultions Ulm