Although I was very skeptical about purchasing this item, I must say that the results were astounding. I have tried so many chrome sprays over the years and have been extremely disappointed with the results. I actually used this product to repaint some chrome plastic dash panels for a 1965 Chevy 2 Nova. A lot of the chrome had faded from the pieces, and I had almost given up on finding a chrome spray good enough to use. This product will not disappoint you. Yes, its expensive but still way cheaper than buying new panels ($365) for my car. I'll give this product an A++ !! I will purchase more of this product in the very near future.
One useful tip for the user, although the chrome spray says you can spray over anything I would use a black gloss enamel to help smooth out the surface before using the chrome spray. It will give you a better look that want disappoint. Make sure to let the black base coat dry for 48 hours or more before applying the chrome spray.