The easiest most cost effective way to add automatic reversing to one section of your DCC layout.
AR1 Features:
Cost effective automatic reversing for one reversing section or subdistrict
User selectable trip current lets you adjust the AR1 to work with any scale or equipment on your layout
Auto-Reversing manages polarity mismatches on the reversing track section without manually throwing electrical toggle switches or adding another booster
8 amp peak, 6 amp continuous Auto-reversing control for a single reversing district.
Simple to wire 4 wire hookup, no locomotive wiring required
No external power required, runs off track power
AR1 operates with or without LocoNet, so it is compatible with all DCC systems.
Alternatives to AR1 for Automatic Reversing on your layout:
1. Use a double pole, double throw switch to manually allow for reversing.
2. Use one Digitrax booster set for automatic reversing and another set for normal operation.
3. Use a PM42 Quad Power Manager to handle 4 power sub-districts. You can set these up to be automatic reversing or power managers to prevent short circuits from shutting down your layout.